I have decided to reduce my Internet presence and suspend blogging for awhile. Everyone has all the information they need to change the world. As I wrote in my last post, we are facing global change and sooner rather than later.
I think it is time for me to step away from the computer and to set aside more time for my personal life which I have hinted at one of my other blogs. I also need to get back to my regular exercise routine and to do more volunteer work.
I am up to 400 pushups a day.
If anyone wants either to publish a daily blog of news that has escaped the mainstream press or just to find better news sites I will give you the sources I have used for 90% of my stories.
This is a great website but a lot of stories do not make it to the main page so I always start at the shared stories contributed by subscribers.http://whatreallyhappened.com/shared
http://www.zerohedge.com/ This site is trendy and gives a lot of inside info on money. He is difficult for the novice to follow as he uses a lot of acronyms and undefined terms. But you must understand banking to understand how the elite steals your money.
http://maxkeiser.com/ Max is funny and is an easier introduction to money. He has videos and audios plus links to some major news stories. He is a liberal and does not understand America. He also does not tell you how our Federal Reserve system was designed to impoverish you. For that you need the following refernce article.
The Counterfeiters You can find this in my March 2009 archives at http://openingmind.blogspot.com/ You can use this to introduce banking as a fraud to the novice. I compare the FED to a counterfeiter who has the right to pass counterfeit money provided he only loans the money to someone.
This website does a good job of getting out anti-Zionist news.
This is a good site for Palestinian news.
This is a research site on Zionism. It also has news links and an audio broadcast every couple of weeks.
Lately I have been listening to Bob Chapman's latest radio interviews which are all posted here so you don't have to go looking for him all over the Internet.
This is Catherine Austin Fitts' blog. She posts some new links and articles. She is the one who has done the most research on Wall Street's divine right to steal billions of dollars every week from federal spending you peasants are not allowed to audit. That link is here. http://solari.com/archive/missing_money/
Guns and Butter is here on Wednesday at 1pm California time http://kpfa.org/home KPFA has been acting more like a Gatekeeper for the Zionists of late so their donations are down but I respect Bonnie Faulkner even if she is a socialist.
http://www.dol.gov/opa/media/press/opa/ This website releases Emergency Unemployment Compensation figures once a week. Click on the press release with this title. ETA News Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report. EUC benefits are minimal and granted to those who have timed out on regular benefits. Scroll down about ten paragraphs until you see the words States reported. I used it to report that EUC claimants had grown 425% in 12 months.
http://www.shadowstats.com/ You need to understand how government manipulates statistics to lie to you. It is a subscription site with a lot af free information.
http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/ This is Mish Shedlock's blog. It is a great website for news and analysis. I disagree with him. He is a deflationist. I believe we are in for a terrifying round of inflation as soon as the dollar collapses.
This is Karl Denninger's blog. He also is a good analyst.
This website has some good interviews once a week.
http://drudgereport.com/ Matt Drudge is a Jewish Republican. His site is not as useful as it once was but I still go there daily for breaking news.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Once a day I look at the front page of this newspaper then I click on Finance and then on Comments. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard told us about the Beijing put in his column. It is the intention of the Chinese government to buy gold if it ever drops below $1,000 an ounce. That and the recent purchases of IMF gold by India has set the gold market ablaze.
http://www.gcnlive.com/ This is an Internet radio broadcaster. They carry Alex Jones, Mike Rivero (WhatReallyHappened.com) and Webster Tarpley. Tarpley is on once a week on Saturday. He understand politics and economics but he does not not know how to solve problems as he is a socialist and wildly underestimates the influence of the Zionists. He is the one who first mentioned that Wall Street might want to run General David Petraeus for Presidnet in 2012. Like Eisenhower he is of Jewish descent. If he is elected, he will end democracy and sovereignty in America. I should warn you that Tarpley gets carried away sometimes.
http://rense.com/ This is Jeff Rense's website. It is under web attack from Zionists more than any other site on the Internet.
http://www.mybudget360.com/Two or three times a week this man has a great analysis of the real world that faces the average man and woman.
This man posts a lot of links related to war and Mideast news from a conservative anti-war point of view. He gets carried away talking about Iran and germ warfare, but he does follow the Ukrainian flu which was engineered in a laboratory and could sweep the world some time in 2010.
http://www.wtc7.net/ Use this site to introduce new people to the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center.
http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/vanunu.html Use this website to tell people that Mordechai Vanunu told us that Israel killed JFK.
This is Chris Bollyn's website. He is the bravest and most persecuted reporter in America.
If you want to see my news blog or to see my other blog Vow of Happiness, please go to my profile to the right to get to my ywo other blogs.
If you have a favorite news website please feel free to add it in a comment as long as it is not racist. Opposition to Zionism is not racism. It is attempt to save the world from a diseased form of thinking that has brought the world to the brink of extinction.
Nice article, thanks for the information.
I have a new blog over at http://vidrebel.wordpress.com/
I have published some new satires, in depth essays and videos.
An instructive post. People to really know who they want to reach and why or else, they'll have no way to know what they're trying to achieve. People need to hear this and have it drilled in their brains..
Thanks for sharing this great article.
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