News of the Day 7-1-2019
Are you an 'unsavory individual'?
Tucker Carlson By Trump's Side At Korean DMZ, But Where Was Bolton?
Gobi Desert anyone?
The Tulsi Effect: Forcing War Onto The Democratic Agenda
She is the only candidate who has made ending the wars a centerpiece of her campaign, which will likely lead to her undoing...
"Wealthy" Chicago Households On Hook For $2 Million In Debt Each Under 'Progressive Solution' To Pension Crisis
One-fifth of Chicagoans live in poverty and nearly half of all Chicago households make less than $50,000 a year. It wouldn’t just be wrong to try and squeeze those Chicagoans further, but pointless. They don’t have the money.
So if that won’t work, why not just put all the burden on Chicago’s “rich?” After all, Illinois lawmakers are pushing progressive tax schemes as the panacea for Illinois’ problems.
If households earning $200,000 or more are the target, they’ll be on the hook for more than $2 million each in government retirement debts. That’s an outrageous burden, too.
Comment: These are the sort of things that happen before things go BOOM.
Hedge Fund CIO: "The Math Does Not Work"
As today’s pension underfunding grows inexorably with each passing year, the Federal Gov’t will be forced to add money,
turning to MMT (printing press money)to make the math work.
Report: Slavery reparations proposals could cost US more than $17 trillion
Reporter Kristin Myers pulled the numbers from various academic and economic studies — tallying up the costs of unpaid wages to slaves, the impact of Jim Crow laws on African Americans, "and current discrimination that black people face in the labor market, health care system, or education and criminal justice systems."
After adjusting the amounts into today's dollars, Myers came up with the eye-popping reparations price tag, noting that "it's unclear how a sum as potentially as large as $17.1 trillion would be financed." She pointed to research conducted by Duke University public policy professor William Darity and UMass Amherst professor Dania Francis, which suggested the funds could be raised "through additional taxes, or by issuing bonds."
In Their Own Words: The Democratic Party's Vision for America
America's Concealed Crisis: Fifty Years Of Economic Decline, 1969 To 2019
If we consider the long term, it's clear America's economy and society have been declining for the average household for 50 years...
Comment: That is when we started feeling the effects of over population. Wages decline and rents increases making us poorer.
12 US States Are Boosting Their Gasoline Tax Today, But Illinois' Is The Biggest
The increase is particularly notable in Illinois given that the state hasn't altered its gas tax since 1990. It's bumping its gas tax by 19 cents to 38 cents a gallon...
Comment: The state and local governments are suffering due to excessive pensions. Raising taxes will slow the economy.
Rent Is Becoming Unaffordable For Many U.S. Workers
.there isn't a single state, metro area or county in the U.S. where a full-time worker earning the minimum wage can afford to rent a two-bedroom property.
Comment: The result of over population is high rent and low wages.
"Any person holding any office or any stock in any institution in the nature of a bank for issuing or discounting bills or notes payable to bearer or order, cannot be a member of the House whilst he holds such office or stock." -- Third Congress of the United States Senate, 23rd of December, 1793, signed by the President, George Washington
Video: Up to SIX feet of hail falls in Mexico…
Comment: We have entered a Grand Solar Minimum. In the Maunder Minimum wheat prices in Britain rose 400%. The magnetosphere of the sun is reduced during a GSM.
The earth's magnetosphere is reduced in tandem with the sun. The reduced magnetism allows the Jet Stream to wander bringing hail and rain in some areas and droughts to other areas. This has driven food price increases due to crop losses.
‘We Need to Ban Fracking’: New Analysis of 1,500 Scientific Studies Details Threat to Health and Climate
A comprehensive analysis of nearly 1,500 scientific studies, government reports, and media stories on the consequences of fracking released Wednesday found that the evidence overwhelmingly shows the drilling method poses a profound threat to public health and the climate.
The sixth edition of the Compendium of Scientific, Medical, and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking (the Compendium), published by Physicians for Social Responsibility and Concerned Health Professionals of New York, found that “90.3 percent of all original research studies published from 2016-2018 on the health impacts of fracking found a positive association with harm or potential harm.”
The analysis (pdf) also found that:
69 percent of original research studies on water quality found potential for, or actual evidence of, fracking-associated water contamination;
87 percent of original research studies on air quality found significant air pollutant emissions; and
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