The full title could have been How You and I Will Stop World War III And Force Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice to Resign by Exposing the Truth About 9-11. My plan is simple. One or more of us with experience writing dialogue will rely upon those of us with in depth knowledge of what really happened on 9-11-2001 to write a stage play in which actors read verbatim the words of firefighters, EMTs, facilities engineers, janitors, cops, FBI agents, news reporters and others who can testify to the explosions they saw and heard on 9-11 inside the WTC. A facilities engineer and several janitors heard an explosion on one of the subbasement levels of the North Tower, WTC 1, prior to the first plane hitting the building. William Rodrigues saw Felipe David's skin burned off his body by a blast that had come up the elevator shaft. On a different subbasement level a facilities engineer named Mike Pecoraro went to investigate the first blast not knowing what had happened. He suspected a transformer or other electrical problems. What he found was that a 50 ton hydraulic press had been torn to shreds. And he also found a 300 pound fire door had been crumpled by the blast as if it were aluminum. Remeber that both of these events happened prior to the plane hitting Tower 1. If you read the 9-11 Commission Report, which included five Democrat and five Republican members, you did not read the testimony of Rodrigues and Pecoraro. Nor did you read the oral histories of 503 men and women firefighters and EMTs who worked at the WTC sight on 9-11. Their oral histories were taken down by Thomas von Essen, the New York Fire Chief. They were not released until Mayor Bloomberg lost a Freedom of Information Act case in 2005 which he had appealed to the New York State Supreme Court.
In addition to the oral histories of the 503 firefighters and EMTs we have the tapes and transcripts of the firefighters' radio broadcasts from inside World Trade Center buildings 1 and 2. They saw and heard bombs going off. They reported that the fires were almost under control and that the buildings would collapse if another bomb went off. Many of these testimonies were not included in the Fire Department's 503 oral histories, becasue these men died from the explosion induced collapse of the World Trade Center.
So what I proposing is that we first write a stage play in which a few actors read these eyewitness accounts. Programmers and website owners could post the transcript of the play together with the footnotes and the references on the web in multiple locations. Then we could have small theater groups perform this play all over the world. When this play has been revised to reflect audience reactions, a few of us could make amateur videos to be posted on the web. People all over America could download these videos and show them at 9-11 Truth parties in their homes. At this point, people in either Hollywood or New York could gather a professional cast and make an HDTV quality video. I would suggest that the final professional version be made in New York so that the actors who read the parts meet members of the audience in the front rows who were the actual witnesses to treason and mass murder on 9-11.
I would like to make a few suggestions. We need to have two narrators, one male and one female. It will add balance as most of the speaking parts will be male. And the narrators will also put in context what the audience is seeing. A central theme should be the 11 characteristics of a controlled demolition. One characteristic is a straight down collapse and another is sudden onset. If you had dropped a brick from the 110th story of the North Tower, it would have taken about ten seconds which is the time it took for all 110 floors to hit the pavement. That is only possible in a controlled demolition. We have eyewitnesses and videos of steel girders that had been cut into 30 foot segments and blown 100 feet away from the Towers at a 90 degree angle. The narrators need to point out that this violated the laws of physics unless there had been bombs going off inside the buildings propelling them. Those girders were especially designed to resist temperatures of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit for up to 6 hours so it is not likely that a fire not hot enough to melt the glass in the windows melted the steel and spewed it out 100 feet at a ninety degree angle.
I would also suggest that we keep focused on the WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7 as a controlled demolition. If we succeed, we can avoid World War III and even have criminal trials. When we get to trials, we can pursue controversial topics, such as, what did hit the Pentagon on 9-11. That is a matter for a criminal inquiry. Speculating on what might have happened only divides us and allows the mainstream media to ridicule the 911 Truth Movement.
We need to avoid all partisanship in this movemnet. The Five Democrats on the 9-11 Commission were as eager as the Republicans to cover up the greatest act of treason in American history. In London in 7-7-2005 bombs were placed underneath the subway cars. We have witnesses to that too. There were no "suicide bombers". The alleged four bombers could not even have arrived at the 3 stations where they were supposed to have detonated themselves. All you have to do is to look up the London subway schedules which is what the English bloggers did and what their mainstream press refused to do. At Oklahoma City on 4-19-1995, a woman saw Tim McVeigh get out of the Ryder truck about a minute before the truck exploded. She then saw another man get out of that same truck. This is obviously the man who lit the fuse that was part of the diversion to the controlled demolition that killed 168 peole including 19 children in the daycare center. Yet he was never indicted nor pursued by Janet Reno and Bill Clinton's FBI and Justice Department. The Republican National Committee was not in charge of either the London subways on 7-7-2005 nor the Clinton administration on 4-19-1995. We need a complete undoing of the powers that be before we will be safe from these madmen in both political parties who rule over us.
I believe that the invasion of Iraq was such a disaster because the real goal has always been to secure a launching pad for World War III. It never had anything to do with 9-11, WMDs and democratizing the Mideast. The persons behind this are worried about the collapse of the dollar before the end of 2009. Part of their plan was to pass a series of Patriot Acts designed to protect themselves from the common people when pensions are cut 90% and wages cut by more than half in real after tax dollars. I have written of this elsewhere and need not repeat myself here. We need to focus on getting out of Iraq so we can prevent a confrontation with Iran which has been deliberately designed to launch World War III. The Bush administration, the supposed opposition party, the Democrats, and the media know that Iran has modern Russian and Chinese weapons, such as, a torpedo capable of 200 miles an hour under water and the Sunburn missile which can sink an aircraft carrier. They want to sacrifice 15,000 sailors and tens of thousands of our soldiers and marines in Iraq so the American public would be enraged and be willing to exterminate millions of Muslims. When oil hits $300 a barrel and gasoline reaches $9.00 a gallon, we can blame the Iranians for the collapse of the dollar and the 90% cut to our pensions.
My final suggestion is that we set aside the weekend of Saturday September 9th, Sunday September 10th and Monday September 11th 2006 to do everything in our power to tell as many people as possible the truth about 9-11. It was the single greatest betrayal in American history.
We must succed in stopping World War III. We can use my plan or another. If we do not win, then the world as we knew it will be gone forever.
This URL is to testimonies by the Facilities Engineers.
This one is to Firefighter testimony.
This URL is to David Ray Griffin on the oral histories
of the 503 Firefighters and Facilities Engineers.
This one is to an interview with David Ray Griffin on
the oral histories as it relates to the 11 characteristics of a
controlled demolition. Bonnie Faulkner also has 2 more interviews
with Griffin on stage in Oakland at her website.
This one has more Firefighter testimony.
Here Professor Steven Jones demonstartes that the WTC was
destroyed by a controlled demolition.
And this last URL is to the
Awoken Research Group.