Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Defining Moment of 2008

Tuesday, January 3rd was a defining moment in American history. That was the day of the New Hampshire primary. Barack Obama was leading in the exit polls by more than 8% yet lost by 2 points after the ballots were counted by Diebold machines. A defining moment changes history and defines an era. November 22nd, 1963 was another defining moment. The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy changed world history forever. JFK died 90 days after the Israelis refused him permission to inspect their nuclear works at Dimona. His death also made it possible to escalate the war in Vietnam.

Other defining moments in recent history were the controlled demolitions of the Alfred P Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City on 4-19-1995 and World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 on 9-11-2001 in New York.

A defining moment can be divided into two phases, a challenge and a response. The assassinations of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King and of Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy all happened before the Internet so the public response was limited by the controlled media. But the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Towers can be easily proven by browsing for 5 minutes.

A recount of the ballots in New Hampshire is underway, but I do not expect Mr Obama to be declared the winner. Nor do I expect Ron Paul to move up the the rankings on the Republican side. Black Box Voting has a woman on the ground who discovered on the first day that there was no chain of custody for either the ballots or for the memory cards. This means that the actual ballots that were cast by the voters could very well have disappeared along with the memory cards that selected Hillary Clinton, a Bilderberger, as the winner of the primary. She has denied being a Bilderberg but she is listed as one in the Bilderberg entry at Wikipedia.

Do I believe Hillary Clinton has a political machine on the ground in New Hampshire that can steal votes by substituting memory cards in Diebold machines? I do not. But she is only a candidate for President and is not on the Board of Directors of the Powers That Be. If I want to convince someone of the real nature of our government, I ask them to go to and to type missing money in the search box. I have studied this issue for years. I am convinced that Wall Street is allowed to steal at least four billion dollars a week from unaudited federal government contracts. This has happened under both Democrat and Republican presidents and Democrat and Republican congresses.

What I do believe happened is that someone rigged the vote knowing that only politicians who have proven track records meaning they have allowed the theft of billions of dollars every week under their watch could be allowed to win. In 1993 Hillary Clinton needed 160 billion dollars to give America her health care program. More than a decade earlier the Grace Commission which had been appointed by President Reagan said we could save 100 billion dollars a year if we bothered to properly audit federal spending. As a Yale trained lawyer and someone who had followed national politics since the 1970s, she knew where to find the money for health care but she also knew better than to ask Wall Street to make a sacrifice.

Asia Times tells us the top 300 banks in the world launder 500 billion dollars a year in political bribes. The banks also launder more than a trillion dollars a year in drugs and about 400 billion dollars in illegal weapons. Our politicians are perfectly content to allow drugs to destroy America one child and one family at a time block by block and neighborhood by neighborhood. Long ago I suggested that we pull the licenses of all banks whose subsidiaries launder drug money overseas and that we also make it illegal to do business with a foreign bank that does launder hot money.

Your politicians from both parties would rather destroy America than do anything to upset Wall Street by demanding we take the profit out of illegal drugs and weapons. And I have never heard any American politician even dare to talk about the 500 billion dollars a year in bribes that are laundered by the international banking system.

Now let us return to the recount in New Hampshire. 2008 might be your last opportunity to vote for the President of the United States. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) both support merging America with Canada and Mexico into the North American Union (NAU). This would end American sovereignty and cancel the Bill of Rights which is just fine with the bankers as they do not want you to have either the right or the ability to effectively protest the collapse of the dollar which means that all of your pensions and savings will be transferred from you to Wall Street and their cronies. Those of you who have read my previous essays know that I have predicted American wages will be cut 50% in real after tax dollars before the end of 2009.

As I already said, we can divide a defining moment into the challenge and the response. So how are we to respond to the challenge of massive vote theft in what might be the last American elections ever held?

I would suggest that we link the growing momentum for voting reform to the 9-11 Truth Movement. Both political parties covered up the controlled demolition of the Oklahoma City federal building and the World Trade Center. The combined movements can turn all honest men and women capable of thinking into permanent resistors to the New World Order.

The 9-11 Truth Movement has reached sufficient numbers of people that we escaped a threatened attack on America in 2007. There was another in a series of fraudulent Al Qaeda tapes released last year warning of an imminent attack on Washington D.C. Let us put to rest all of these phony Osama tapes forever. Benazir Bhutto in an interview with David Frost said Osama had been murdered by Sheikh Omar. The latter had been recruited by MI6 while at Oxford. In any event the threatened attack against Washington D.C which I believe was to be centered in the Washington Metro rail system never happened. That is how strong the 9-11 Truth Movement is. They know they cannot get away with another 9-11.

I would also like to increase the strength of the movement for auditing federal spending. Go to the missing money page at and familiarize yourself with the issues. Then get involved and tell everyone you can what is really happening. There are lots of people who could find uses for $4 billion a week other than giving the money to the billionaires of the world. This movement should be added to the two ones previously mentioned.

As I said in a previous essay, I am expecting martial law. The 2008 elections will not be canceled if Wall Street can select the nominees for the two major parties. Waiting in the wings, they also have Michael Bloomberg to run as an independent. I personally believe he knows he is unelectable. His candidacy is just a threat to the two major parties. If they do not tow the line for Israel, he will spend $500 million in attack ads to destroy those who oppose his interpretation of the Zionist entity's needs. He is also there to drown out all legitimate independent candidates.

So why am I expecting martial law? If you would like to avoid World War III and martial law, ask a Presidential candidate why we have 17,500 sailors and marines in the Persian Gulf within range of Iran's Russian made anti-ship missiles. They could be stationed out of harms way in the Indian Ocean. I believe they are posted in the Gulf so they can die and inflame American opinion sufficiently to launch World War III after the Israelis bomb Iran. Someone stole a billion shekels (250 million dollars) from the Israeli Civil Defense fund so the Israelis cannot go to war until they have enough money to complete their defense preparations. That gives us a few months to oppose the coming war against Iran.

I believe that our 17,500 sailors and marines are stationed well within range of Iran's missiles precisely so they can be killed. Let me repeat. They are there so they can die and their deaths will inflame the American voters to accept the counter attack against Iran which will be the beginning of World War III. A U.S. war game called Millennium Challenge 2002 proved that any unrestricted confrontation in the Mideast would be a disaster for our servicemen and women. If you go to the Pentagon's website and search for “Central Command”, you will find that America has troops stationed in 25 Muslim nations. One rogue Muslim artillery officer could order his soldiers to open fire on an American Air Force Base and render it unusable by our aircraft within 60 seconds.

I know people who actually like George Bush and cheer every time our military drops a bomb on Arabs. But when I recently convinced these same people that Bush wanted to sacrifice 17,500 sailors and marines, they changed their minds and said they should be pulled out of the Gulf and relocated to the Indian Ocean. That should be the first step in disengaging from the Mideast.

I think I am better than most anti-war people at making arguments against war because I tailor my talking points to my audience. Most Americans do not care about the huge numbers of Iraqis killed by the occupation so I only talk to them about the betrayal of our troops. Please add the above to your anti-war arguments.

We need to meld the anti-war movement in with the voting reform and the resistance to the proposed North American Union and to further add these to the movement to audit federal spending and to the anti-war movement and to the 9-11 Truth movements in order to make a proper and fitting response to the theft of the elections in New Hampshire.

Henceforth we can no longer tell people only about our cause. We must also tell them all that:

The Bilderberg Society and the CFR launder $500 billion a year in bribes and more than a trillion dollars in drugs and illegal weapons.

That the CFR, the Bilderberg Society and their nearest and dearest friends are allowed to steal $4 billion a week from federal spending and you are not allowed to dare ask to audit the books as the government belongs to them and not to you.

That 2008 could very well be the last election in American history and that we ought to demand an auditable paper trail of our votes. The CFR and the Bilderbergers have said they want to end American sovereignty in 2010. That this also means the end of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution should make no difference to you unless you are addicted to free speech and oppose your own arbitrary arrest and do not want to spend the rest of your life in a secret military prison.

That we have 17,500 sailors and marines stationed in the Persian Gulf well within range of Iran's Russian made anti-ship missiles and that they are to be sacrificed so we can launch World War III should be of no concern to you unless you are opposed to World War III and do not want martial law on American soil.

The people who think they own the government have no regard for your life, your family and your dreams. They will not leave you alone. The dollar is about to crash and they will need both a foreign war and martial law at home to protect themselves against legitimate dissent from those who oppose 90% pension cuts and permanent 50% pay cuts.

2008 could be your very last chance to ever just say no to anything at all.

If we do not meet the challenge of voter fraud, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and American sovereignty will be taken from us as soon as the dollar collapses if not sooner.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

When America Ceases To Be Good

America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.
Alexis de Tocqueville

Is America a Good Nation? Is she a Great Nation? Let's examine the evidence. Of late to quickly reveal the hearts of America's leaders I tell people about World War I's Belgian War Relief. During the Great War, the citizens on the home front were extolled to donate to help the widows and orphans of war weary Belgium. The British loaded food and other supplies onto railroad cars in Belgium and sent them across no man's land into German occupied territory to feed the soldiers who were killing British husbands, fathers, sons and brothers. Britain lost 750,000 during the war. Several times that many died after the war from wounds they received during the war. All of them were killed by enemy soldiers who had been fed by the Allied leaders and their favorite charity, Belgian War Relief.

America's leaders knew that the Great War would have ended in 1915 or 1916 if Wall Street had not promised that America would enter the war. In fact America entered World War I precisely so the war would last longer and kill even more people than it otherwise would have. Our leaders made no demand that Belgian War Relief be discontinued prior to U.S. entry to protect our troops in the trenches. Nor did they demand that the British stop the flow of other war materiel through Sweden, Spain and Portugal. What the allies did demand was that the war continue until a Jewish Communist dictatorship was established in Russia and a Jewish colony was created in Palestine. That 60,000,000 human beings were killed in the Soviet Union was of no concern to our leaders. That 35,000 Americans died during World War I and more than 8,000 were blinded did not bother them. That another 100,000 American soldiers died from their wounds before Armistice Day in 1928 does not merit a footnote in their writings. They are not concerned about us. I have always wondered why we care for those who do not care for us.

So I now ask you, does a Good Nation kill tens of millions of innocent people on a whim? And even if we are a Good People how long will we continue to have a Great Nation with leaders like ours?

More recently we went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. Iraq had no Weapons of Mass Destruction and no ties with Al Qaeda. In fact they were enemies. All of this was known before the invasion. Yet the controlled news media did not share these facts with us until after the occupation had become a disaster. So why are we killing so many innocent people and sacrificing the lives of so many of our young soldiers and marines? Bear with me a minute as we go back in time to 4-19-1995 to shed light on 9-11 the event that first galvanized the public to support the “War on Terror.”

On 4-19-1995 morning a 52 year-old woman was in the Social Security office in the Alfred Murrah building in Oklahoma City when she looked out the window and saw a man she later learned was Timothy McVeigh get out of a yellow Ryder truck and walk across the street. About half a minute later she saw a second man get out of the same truck and walk away. Then a bomb exploded, the building collapsed and she lost her leg. Nineteen people saw McVeigh with another man that morning and the day before. None of these witnesses were called to place McVeigh at the scene of the greatest crime in modern American history until 9-11. 168 people were killed that day including 19 children in the daycare center. Why would the Department of Justice (DOJ) not call eye witnesses unless they needed to protect the man who actually did light the fuse? The FBI and DOJ both acted to protect the man who left the Ryder truck after McVeigh and therefore was most likely to have lit the fuse to the truck bomb.

Many different sources and witnesses have traced the plot to destroy the Oklahoma City federal building to Elohim City, a supposed right wing extremist compound in northeast Oklahoma. Two weeks prior to the bombing there was a meeting held at that compound. Court records redacted the name of one participant. It only identified him as being from Morris Dees's Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which has often run infiltration programs in behalf of the FBI and Department of Justice. The other two participants were Robert Millar, a Canadian Jewish psychologist, and Andreas Strassmeir, a German Jewish man who had served as an intelligence officer in the German Army. The Bureau of Alcohol and Tobacco agents in Oklahoma City were outside the Murrah building in combat gear all night long on the night of the 18th and into the morning of the 19th. None of the BATF agents were inside when the bomb detonated. Nor were any of their children in the daycare center. The only BATF employee inside the building was the woman who answered the phones until the building collapsed.

The FBI said on 4-19-1995 that the Ryder truck contained a 1,200 pound fertilizer bomb parked 40 feet from the building and was the sole cause of the collapse. The next day the the size of the bomb was upgraded to 4,200 pounds and then to 5,200 pounds, but the FBI claimed it was still this one bomb that took down the Murrah building. General Ben Partin who was in charge of ordnance (i.e. bombs) for the U.S. Air Force issued a report immediately after the bombing giving compelling evidence that the truck bomb did not take down the Murrah building. He pointed out that interior columns were taken out and that columns between the Ryder truck and those interior columns were left in tact. This is not possible scientifically so the FBI and the DOJ lied. The Congress and the Senate were given individual copies of the Partin report. Not one Senator began a filibuster to stop all voting until the FBI told the truth. Not one congressman refused to vote for any appropriations in the House until the DOJ told the truth. Ask yourself this question: Do Great Nations allow the government to protect the persons who set off bombs inside a building that killed 168 of its own citizens including 19 children age five and under?

Let's revisit 9-11-2001. On that morning bombs went off inside both the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center even before the two planes struck. There were multiple witnesses to this fact. And we also have multiple witnesses to a bomb that was detonated 3 ½ minutes prior to Flight 77 striking the Pentagon. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld admitted to a press conference on 9-10-2001 that he could not trace 2.3 trillion dollars (That's trillions not billions) in Department of Defense spending. Flight 77 was originally headed towards Rumsfeld's office until it took a 270 degree turn and came in at 400 plus mph barely 20 feet above ground and hit in the exact same area where a bomb had already killed 40 military auditors who were attempting to trace those missing trillions.

I do not want to dwell at length on 9-11. But WTC Tower 7 which was not struck by a plane also collapsed that day. The BBC announced the collapse of WTC 7 some 20 minutes before it happened. It collapsed in 6.5 seconds. Videos of the building reveal that there were no fires hot enough to melt the glass windows. This means the temperature inside the building was below 800 to 900 degrees and was therefore not hot enough to melt steel. Let me describe how a controlled demolition works so you will understand what really happened. You place thermite or better yet thermate which are cutting agents at 45 degree angles adjacent to each of the girders every two floors. If you are not familiar with thermate you can look it up at Wikipedia. It is a cutting agent that burns at 4,800 degrees and melts steel in seconds. You would also need to place detonation charges to bring down the building and to attach wires running from the cutting agents and the bombs to a central control computer. The bombs and cutting agents have to go off in the proper order so that one floor is not left intact and does not resist the collapsing floors above it. If each successive floor resists the fall of the floors, it could take 100 seconds for a building to collapse and even then you could not guarantee that it would fall straight down. This is called the pancake effect and can take up to 100 seconds to complete. The persons who took down the WTC on 9-11 successfully took out all of the support columns on all of the floors simultaneously. And they did that three times in one day without alerting either the national news media or the DOJ and FBI.

I have been asking friends to look at the lists of passengers and crew of the 4 “hijacked” planes. There were no Arabs seen on the surveillance videos seen boarding the planes. The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology found no Arab DNA on Flight 77 which the government alleged is what put that big hole in the side of the Pentagon on 9-11. There were no Arabs on any of the 4 planes. So how did the 19 Arabs hijack 4 planes if they were not on board even one of them? Nobody in either the news media or the Congress has demanded the Bush administration prove how the hijacking occurred or was even possible.

I now ask you this question: Do Good Nations blow up buildings with thousands of their citizens inside in order to scare the general population into declaring war on an innocent nation and kill more than 1,000,000 people during a senseless occupation? Can America still be considered Great? It certainly is no longer Good.

Currently the leaders of both political parties have approved the use of Depleted Uranium. It was used by Clinton in his Kosovo campaign and in Iraq in his air strikes to enforce the no-fly zone. Depleted Uranium is twice as heavy as lead so it can penetrate an enemy tank. It is pyrophoric meaning it bursts into flames and cooks the occupants. It is radioactive so it irradiates the bad guys, induces cancer in them and gives birth defects to their unborn children too. The fly in the ointment is that DU after it goes pyrophoric is converted into particles less than one micron in size which means they can become permanently airborne and do the same to our soldiers and marines as they did to our enemies. In fact even support military personnel and our allies in neighboring countries are exposed. DU can also get into the soil and water. The half-life of Depleted Uranium is 4.5 billion years so we are poisoning the planet for a very long time. Do Great Nations poison future generations including the unborn children of their own soldiers? I say No, but the leaders of both political parties continue to kill those who have volunteered to defend their country.

Thousands of tons of Depleted Uranium were dropped on Iraq and Afghanistan in order, I believe, to destroy those nations and to set an example to any country that refuses to bow to the joint will of the United States and Israel.

So why are we still in Iraq? Does anything about the Iraq war make sense? The occupation is a terror generator and is not a valid part of the alleged war against terror. I believe that the people who killed the military auditors at the Pentagon, and took down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 in controlled demolitions wanted us to destroy Iraq and Iran. It is as if the perpetrators of 9-11 had the power to blow and whistle and announce “I want you to begin killing and to keep killing until I blow the whistle again to stop.” They have not yet blown the whistle the second time to tell us we can stop killing and dying. Our leaders want these current wars to continue for a reason.

As I said in my previous article, I believe that Bush has put 17,500 sailors and marines in the Persian Gulf precisely so their ships can be sunk by Iran's Russian made anti-ship missiles after the Israelis strike Iran with American donated bunker busting nuclear weapons. Our self-appointed leaders are willing to sacrifice the lives of 17,500 sailors and marines just so they can start World War III. Great nations do not kill whenever the politicians and the media tells incredible lies. Everything we have been told about every war from 1914 to the invasion of Iraq has been a lie. How real were our wars when both sides had the same bankers? The only really true statement we can make about our wars is that we killed tens of millions of people and sacrificed the lives of our soldiers for nothing.

The American dollar is on the verge of total collapse. We are obviously being led to World War III at this time because our leaders do not expect America to survive as a sovereign nation for more than a year or two. They have stolen our government. They have sacrificed the lives of those men and women who enlisted in the military mistakenly thinking they are defending their country. Our leaders are insane. They will destroy America and the world.

We are just months away from a presidential election in which both major party candidates have promised to wage war against Iran which would launch World War III and destroy the world we knew.

America long ago ceased to be either Good or Great. We have one last chance in the coming year to do something Great as a people. We must reject all of their lies. We must reject all of their wars. We must no longer believe anything we see in their controlled press. We must realize there is no Opposition Party. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are war parties and were long ago bought and paid for by Wall Street and by the Zionists.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Society and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) have announced their plan to form a North American Union (NAU) merging America with Canada and Mexico by 2010. I see no reason why a nation that is neither Good nor Great should not surrender its sovereignty. Of course the citizens of the nation that used to be known as America might object to their new status as serfs on the Global Plantation. I know they will be angry when they discover that the coming hyperinflation will permanently cut their real after tax wages by 50% and their savings by 90%.

As I said in a previous essay, I believe America will soon have martial law. I have since made plans to leave America before it becomes a dictatorship. We have at least a few months left of relative freedom. I am fortunate to have a profession which can be practiced overseas.

I was born an American. I was born free. I loved the country I knew as a child. I will always be an American even though the country I loved could soon cease to exist. It is with great sadness that I announce my decision to leave my native land before it dies.

I am under no illusions about the nature of the people who think they own our government. They have declared unto themselves the new power of Extraordinary Rendition which means they believe they have the right to kidnap, imprison, torture, and even kill any person anywhere in the world. I want to leave this country not because I am foolish enough to think it will make me safe but because I can no longer justify being part of the Greatest Force for Evil in the twenty-first century.