Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009: Visions, Realities, Hopes

I have decided to share some of my thoughts about 2009. Previously, I said that I had a vision of a war that would kill more than half the people in the world. And I also said I had a subsequent vision that told me that my life's purpose was to do what I could to stop that war.

The Ongoing War Against The Palestinians

The Israelis are presently waging war against Gaza. The Israelis have been stealing Palestinian land and water since 1948. This has been a 60 year war of attrition. In recent years the Israelis have built an Apartheid wall that has taken even more farm land and aquafiers from the Palestinians. They have been squeezing imports and exports in Gaza. They even stole food and kitchen equipment from a Palestinian orphanage. This is the definition of Chutzpah: Kill the adults, steal the food from the orphaned children and claim that your shelling of Gaza is a response to Muslim extremist terrorism.

World War III To Begin in Iran in 2010?

Watch Lebanon. The Obama administration will try to separate Syria from Iran. That remains to be seen. The new administration has said they want to deal with Iran in the first six months of 2009 before the Iranians get bogged down in their presidential elections.

The Israelis have been training for another Lebanon war. They have acquired American bunker buster bombs sufficient to strike Hezbollah's underground tunnels but the Pentagon has refused to give the Israelis either refueling jets or sufficiently robust bunker buster bombs to take on Iran's underground nuclear facilities.

The solution is simple. All Israel has to do is to attack Syria and let that war escalate into a war against the Iranians. This will bring in the Americans. Israel is more than willing to sacrifice US soldiers for their goals. The current war against Gaza is simply to make Labor and Kadima parties look better against the crazies in Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party which recently veered off to the right when Israeli settler's took over Likud at their recent political convention.

I think Israel will approach the war against Iran in stages by peeling off Iran's allies. The first round will be another attack against Lebanon some time after Obama's first 90 days. Some have speculated that Iran has germ warfare capability. If they do, they have not given it to Hezbollah as they do not want WW III to be started by a foreign army sergeant in a Lebanese tunnel.

After the Israelis defeat Hezbollah in Lebanon at a terrible cost, I believe their next target will be Syria. This war against Syria might be in stages with the final act being a war against Iran which I do not believe will start until 2010.

The dollar will collapse either just before after World War III begins. My thinking is that the dollar will crash before the war starts. Israel and the right wing of the Bilderberg Society will want the United States to launch a suicidal war against Islam by attacking Iran precisely because the American dollar and government are both doomed. Americans will cease to be able to serve Israel and will therefore be sent off to die.

As I have said before, The Iranians have Russian made anti-ship missiles, the Sunburn N-22, the SS-N-26X Onyx (Yakhonts) and the super fast SS-N-27 Sizzler. They also have rocket artillery with ranges up to 150 kilometers and 40,000 suicide volunteers. The United States Central Command has American troops stationed in 25 nations with Muslim majority populations.

Any attack on Iran will result in the immediate loss of our Persian Gulf fleet. The US will retaliate with even more nuclear weapons. And our troops in those 25 Muslim nations will get killed. The US Central Command will be destroyed. America will be defenseless overseas and torn by food riots at home. But that is all part of the Bilderberger Zionist plan for America. More about that later.

Technically, we could date the beginning of WW III from the coming invasion of Lebanon or even more accurately from 9-11-2001. I do not believe the war against Iran will take place until 2010 and then only if we do not seriously reform the American government.

I have no inside knowledge about Bilderberger-Zionist plans for WW III. It just seems to me that the Pentagon wants to steer clear of an attack on Iran and the only feasible option to Israel is through an attack on Syria. Lebanon would have to be attacked first so the Israeli public can be protected from Hezbollah's tens of thousands of rockets during the proposed war against Syria and Iran. Iran and Syria are allies and war against one will lead to war against the other. And no Syrian regime could stay in power if they sign a separate peace with Israel after the Israelis pound Lebanon into the stone age to borrow a phrase from Curtis LeMay.

Matthias Chang and Wall Street's Last Hurrah.

Matthias Chang is an astute observer of the financial scene. He believes that Wall Street has enough money at the Federal Reserve and in various Bailout accounts to run one last pump and dump. In the first days of the Obama presidency Wall Street could run up the prices of American stocks. They could intervene massively to support the dollar and waste tens of billions of taxpayer's dollars shorting gold. This will give Wall Street one last chance to get the suckers into the markets and to dump what few dollar denominated holdings they have left.

This will cost them nothing as they will be doing it on the taxpayers dime. If this does happen, the Zionist media will call this the Obama Rally. When it is over, the dollar will die. The government will be near collapse. It will collapse after Israels engineer a war with Syria and Iran.

Wall Street has been pumping and dumping for more than one hundred years. Catherine Austin Fitts has said several times that Wall Street has been using the Bailout money to cover their short losses on gold. They have been waging war against gold by shorting it in the futures market. We have reached the point of Backwardation in the gold market. That means the price of the physical metal is higher than the price of paper gold in the future. The demand for the metal is so great that every smelter is working night and day but still cannot fill their orders in less than 30 days. But Wall Street might be able short gold and drive down the paper price of gold if not the metal long enough to make the Obama Rally look real. But, as I said, this will not last. This will be the final pump and dump. Matthias Chang could very well be right.

The Collapsing Dollar and The Glorious Day

I have defined the Glorious Day as that time when all wealth has been transferred to the bankers from the common folk who are required to work for a living. Bankers have had a license to print our money since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was passed.

When you go to a bank for a $10,000 loan, they are not loaning you money from Mrs Smith's savings account. They are creating $10,000 in new checking account money and giving you a note requiring you to pay them back $10,000 plus interest.

The Federal Reserve Act allows fractional reserve banking. For every $10,000 in deposits they can loan out anywhere from $30,000 to $100,000. If a bank has 40% of the deposits in town, then they make 40% of the loans. If they loan out 50% of the new loans, they will lose deposit money and go out of business. If they only make 20% of the new loans, they will not make money and will lose customers. That is why banks give away toasters and other freebies to new customers.

The Bureau of the Mint actually prints our currency, Federal Reserve Notes. The Federal Reserve Bank pays the Mint 3 ½ cents on the dollar for each new dollar they receive. They can loan this “new money” into circulation at interest.

Presidents Kennedy and Lincoln both created Treasury Notes which are non-interest bearing and debt free. If we had debt free Treasury Notes, we would not have a 10.6 trillion dollar “debt” nor would we have to pay interest on that debt. That is why I call government debts fictions.

But we do not live in a democracy so these facts cannot be taught in the schools and cannot be said on prime time television. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy were killed by “lone gunmen.” I will return to this subject before the conclusion of this essay.

Will Someone Please Ask Congresswoman Pelosi A Question?

Insurance giant AIG which used to make a lot of money laundering drug money has now received 150 billions dollars in Bailout money from the taxpayer due to their losses in Credit Default Swaps which have been described as sort of derivatives on steroids. A derivative is simply a bet on the future value of a bond, of a currency, of a commodity or of anything else an investor wants to protect in case the price drops too drastically. Derivatives are traded on regulated exchanges licensed by the government. Convertible Default Swaps are not regulated. They are written privately but with all losses paid for by public taxpayer funds. The potential loss to the taxpayers is tens of trillions of dollars.

I would like someone to please ask Mrs Pelosi when she intends to put an end to unregulated Credit Default Swaps. There is no prediction on my part here. I do suppose we could organize office pools around the country with the winner being the one guessing the exact date the Congress stands up and says no to Wall Street.

The Mortgage Meltdown, Deflation And Inflation

Prices are dropping. Actually, commodity prices are slumping because the demand for imported oil and metals other than gold and silver have collapsed. Retail prices are still not negative. Food prices are expected to rise next year. John Williams at Shadow Stats says that the federal government always understates the rise in consumer prices. It saves them money on Social Security benefits and it saves corporations from having to adjust their expensive cost of living clauses in their union wage and pension contracts.

Nobody can make loans because the prices of homes are declining. Yet the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are cranking out money. The value of homes were deliberately inflated in a bubble going back to the Carter administration. The idea was that to encourage minority home ownership banks would be forced to loan money to un-credit worthy minority applicants. I think the idea was to blame minorities including illegal aliens who were given loans so home prices could be driven up. I personally met an illegal alien baby sitter making ten dollars an hour who had three children and a husband who refused to work. She got a loan. I asked her how she was going to make the payments. And she said they loaned her enough money to make the payments.

The solution to the mortgage meltdown is simple. All they have to do is to continue printing more money. The English and American money supplies are both increasing at more than 15% a year. Interest rates are low. And both currencies are declining in value. At some point after the first 90 days of the Obama administration, foreigners will see no reason to hold dollars. When they dump the dollar, prices of imported commodities will rise and we will have inflation or rather stagflation.

The dollar will depreciate and our wages will not go up. Taxes from state and local governments will increase and our after tax wages will decrease further. Then the really big inflation will come. And the nominal prices of homes in current dollars will increase to the level of the existing mortgage so homeowners can sell their houses without a loss at least on paper. But in terms of real dollars homeowners will lose their equity. That $500,000 home that is now only worth $250,000 will double in value but all other prices will have gone up tenfold.

I would expect gasoline in California to hit ten dollars a gallon before it reaches a dollar. In fact I would never expect to see gasoline at a dollar a gallon. The bankers will inflate their way to happiness. The bankers only know how to solve problems through foreclosures, wars, bribes, assassinations, intimidation, lies and inflation. So of those methods available to them only inflation would apply to the mortgage market and it is pretty easy to figure out what they will do. The bankers have been busy expanding the Monetary Base to protect themselves against the relatively few mortgages that will be foreclosed before the Big Inflation saves them all from bankruptcy. Catherine Austin Fitts noted that our Monetary Base is growing at a 765% annualized rate. The Monetary Base consists of cash plus bank reserves. Rapid growth in Monetary Base is usually interpreted as a sign of a coming inflation.

Another 9-11? I Say No

The other day Pravda had a column arguing that a nuclear device going off in America would turn this country and the world into a military dictatorship. The clear implication was that it would be another inside job like Hitler's Reichstag fire. This idea is not new. A general said after 9-11 that if just one nuclear device went off in the continental US that we would have to scrap the Constitution. Most observers think a dirty bomb would be more likely as it is harder to trace to the country of origin.

Other candidates for another 9-11 would be a series of car bombs set off in minority neighborhoods so Americans would be engulfed in a racial civil war. That can't happen as the Mexican-American leadership has been warned that the culprits would not be the KKK but a certain foreign power eager to divide America.

There was a rumor of another London type train attack which was to have taken place around the anniversary of the D-Day Invasion in Washington DC in 2007. There was another phony Osama video tape saying Al-Qaeda was determined to attack the American capitol and soon. Osama bin Laden has been dead since 2001, Shortly before her death former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in an interview with David Frost said Osama had been killed by Omar Sheikh.

Former President Musharraf of Pakistan said Omar Sheikh had been recruited by the British intelligence agency MI6 while he was a student at the London School of Economics.

So if Osama was dead who has been making those video tapes? And why? John Kerry said he lost the 2004 election because of the Osama tape released just days before the November elections praising him. He lost because he would not stand up and denounce the tapes as frauds.

In any event the 2007 “Osama” tape mentioned a forthcoming attack on Washington D.C. It most likely would involve trains which in the DC area would have meant the Metro. As I understand the situation, someone figured this out and notified the local authorities and that certain foreign power was told to forget about blowing up trains with Americans inside. They had their fun when they blew up the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9-11. No more.

I do not expect another 9-11. There is a critical mass of people in the United States who know the truth about 9-11 and will tear this country apart if they are irradiated by a nuclear device. If the Bilderbergers and the Zionists want to turn America into a dictatorship they will have to do it with a foreign war. As I said, I do not expect a war with Iran until 2010 though we could expect wars with Lebanon and Syria leading up to the war to end all civilization on this planet.

Professor Charles Boehmer's Question

Professor Charles Boehmer asked this question: Would they be planning to use troops against Americans if they were not stealing our money. He noted that in the Great Depression there was no insurrection despite severe hardships. But this time around things are different.

As my regular readers are well aware, I believe that Wall Street is allowed to steal billions of dollars each week from unaudited federal government contracts under Democrat and Republican administrations and Congresses. Then there is the matter of that 8.5 trillion dollar Bailout. And beneath the radar is that 10.6 trillion dollar fictional national debt.

At the rate we are subsidizing Wall Street I would expect the current debt ceiling limit to be raised from the present 11.3 to 15 trillion dollars by the time Obama's first budget goes into effect on 10-01-2009. The problem with those fictional debts is that the bankers expect us to pay them with “real dollars” we earn.

And when the bankers expect a really Big Inflation to save them they are saying they are willing to take all of our wages and salaries and all of our savings and pensions rather yhan to suffer the consequences of allowing us to practice democracy and to reform the system.

That is why we have been heading towards a National Security States since World War II. The bankers know that they will not remain in power for long after they have taken our last dollar. That is why they are pushing towards martial law, secret courts, military tribunals, secret detention facilities, suspension of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the acceptance of a Surveillance society.

The bankers know we do not like them but that we will suffer just about any indignity until they take our last dollar. That will be the last day America is a democracy.

I do not think that the Obama administration will be able to send people door to door confiscating our weapons of self-defense and our gold and silver coins. They do not have enough men willing to die for Wall Street billionaires to do that. The bankers would like to disarm us but that will never happen. And, if they did steal our gold and silver coins after having stolen our savings and pensions, we would have nothing left to eat but politicians.

More About That Vision

I have said many times that I had two visions when I was a child. One was religious and was already discussed on my other blog. The second vision was of a terrible war. When I was eight years-old, my mother made me watch a one hour documentary on over population. When I finished seeing the program, I had a vision of a future war that would wipe out well more than half of the people on the earth. I will never give the exact number in print as it might dishearten the general public.

I did have another vision which told me that it was my lot in life to do what I could to prevent this war. We do not have to kill each other. World War III has not been written in stone.

I have been amazed why people do not see the historical relationship between over population and resource wars. If one tribe has water and the neighbor don't, then a war for the water will ensue.

America is being pushed towards a modern version of a resource war by the Bilderberg-Zionist coalition. In the 1930s Wassily Leontieff won a Nobel Prize in economics. Leontief did an input output analysis of the American economy. Inputs are raw materials like iron and coal which produce the output steel. And he further traced steel as an input into other industries like automobile production. He proved that American wages were higher than in other countries because we extracted natural resources such as, coal, iron, oil, lumber, grains and added skilled labor to produce value added to our finished goods. A successor did a study at Stanford University in 1955 which proved that America would have to cut wages when our population reached 150,000,000. Americans used to be exempt from competing with cheap foreign labor because we did not have to import raw materials until our self-appointed leaders decided to increase our population beyond 150,000,000.

After we went over 150,000,000 in population we were supposed to cut our wages so foreign consumers could afford to buy our finished goods. But Wall Street and the politicians they own had other plans. They decided to create the greatest credit bubble in world history so they would have sufficient time to transform America into a National Security State to protect themselves from the people whose life savings they were planning to steal. Let me explain.

Instead of cutting wages every time we added 10,000,000 to our population so we could sell cheaper and cheaper products to foreign countries Wall Street elected to print dollars. For the past 60 years we have been printing worthless paper dollars and giving them to foreigners for real products and raw materials.

Since we do not live in an effective democracy, we will soon learn that Matthias Chang was right whem he called our dollar American Toilet Paper. When the dollar collapses, I would expect it to completely collapse in a 90 day period. At the end of that time we will take 60 years of pay cuts. I have been saying for years that we will be facing a permanent 50% pay cut. If we pass Amnesty for Illega; Aliens, we could cut wages by more than 50%. There are highly skilled production workers in China who work for major American firms and only make $172 a month for a 72 hour work week. I am sure they make less money than we do because they have more people and not because whites are smarter than Chinese people.

I do not want to seem to be overly pessimistic about over population. My regular readers will probably remember what I said about our secret weapons program. The Secret Government does have a Death Ray capable of killing everyone in a small nation. And they have a plane that flies 40,000 mph in the earth's atmosphere without burning up so they have fast transport and materials unlike any we know. They also have, I believe, some measure of anti-gravity which would solve our energy crisis and most of our balance of payments problem. If you turn anti-gravity on and off, you can make a turbine spin and therefore generate electricity. But those secret weapons and the solution to the energy crisis will have to wait on the shelf until we are courageous enough to practice democracy.

Why That Glorious Day Will Never Be

I do not believe that the Glorious Day will ever become a reality. The human spirit cannot live in the dark and dense atmosphere the bankers have planned for us. Bankers understand money but they do not understand our humanity. They know how to manipulate us and to get us killed in their wars. But they do not understand our need for freedom and self-determination.

We will never succumb to their rule. We have our world and the bankers have theirs. We will die rather than live in the world they have prepared for us. I have no special knowledge as to whether or not we do survive World War III. I will continue to do my best to stop this madness and ignorance. But the actual outcome is unknown to me at this time.

World War III is likely to begin within the next 24 months unless the current economic crisis stirs us to action. Mr Obama and his friends at the Bilderberg Society, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations have said they will solve our problems. But they are the ones who created the present crisis. Nothing less than the complete change in the Federal Reserve will save this nation.

Since the banks own the government, it makes sense to begin with the source of all our problems.


To read Matthias Chang's article on Wall Street's possible Final Pump and Dump please go here:

To read why foreigners have every reason to resent the dollar and hence why they WILL DUMP THE DOLLAR please Matthias Chang's article on American Toilet Paper here:

To read more about Credit Default Swaps please go here:

To read more about Professor Charles Boehmer's Question please go here:

To read Antal Fekete's article on Gold Backwardation, which is a really important development and should be read by all investors please go here:

To read about the billions of dollars stolen each week from unaudited federal spending please go here:

To read how the banking system transfers wealth from you to them please go here:

To help someone prove to themselves that World Trade Center Towers 1. 2 and 7 were brought done by explosives from inside the buildings please go here:

To prove that there were no Arabs on any of the 4 hijacked planes on 9-11 please go here:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

What This Means

Last week there were two announcements saying that Russia had reversed a previous decision and would be selling S-300 PMUs to Iran. The S-300 series is a medium to long range anti-aircraft missile capable of shooting down multiple aircraft and missiles up to 200 kilometers distant. The more advanced S-400 has an even longer range is said to be able to shoot down stealth aircraft.

One announcement was made by the Russian news agency Ria Novosti citing an official government source qho chose to remain anonymous. The second announcement came from a senior member of the Iranian parliament. Also a Russian news analyst wrote an opinion piece saying that the S-300 sale had been made and delivery was to begin soon. This had raised the hopes of many people in the West that the S-300 would be a Game Changer. We had hoped that the addition of the S-300 to Iran's already formidable arsenal of Russian made anti-ship missiles, the SS-N22 Sunburn, the SS-N26X Onyx (Yakhonts) and the incredibly fast SS-N27 Sizzler all of which are capable of sinking American aircraft carriers. The Iranians also have long range rocket artillery capable of hitting targets up to 150 kilometers distant.

All of this could have meant that the Iranians would easily sink every NATO ship in the Persian Gulf if they were attacked by either the U.S. or Israel.The S-300 would have meant the end to an Israeli attack and been a serious deterrent to an American air strike. I have written that the Iranians also have 40,00 suicide volunteers who could be armed with shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles and automatic weapons to shoot down our helicopters and slow moving transport planes in the 25 nations of the U.S. Central Command that have American bases in Muslim majority countries. Our servicemen and women would be lucky if they got out alive, It would destroy the U.S. military and make America absolutely defenseless.

Attacking Iran could have been reduced to a very bad idea in the opinion of anyone who would like America to continue to exist as a sovereign nation. The S-300 would have rendered the much discussed air attack on Iran to stop its nuclear program just a bad dream.

Now That Will Never Be

But last week the Israelis sent a major general to Russia to convince Moscow to reverse their imminent decision. He was successful and so on the Monday before Christmas the Russians said they would not sell the S-300 to Iran. On October 12th I published an essay entitled No Sale Or Russia Bows To Israel. At that time the disgraced ex-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert had gone to Moscow and had also successfully convinced the Russians not to sell the S-300 to Iran. Then again the Russians reversed their position and indicated the sale was on again. And now it is off again. We can only speculate as to how much American money and how many American secrets were given to Moscow to cancel two sales after Russia had been provoked by NATO and Israel in Georgia.

So What Does This Mean?

The cancellation of the sale means that the Israelis are more likely to strike Iran especially if as expected Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud party win the February 10th elections. At a recent party convention Likud extremists who are even more militant than Netanyahu who does want to bomb Iran took control over his party. His opponent is Tzipi (Zipporah) Livni an ex-Mossad agent who wants to concentrate on Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. She is no anti-war activist as it is the current government of which she is the Foreign Minister that has invaded Gaza with a lot of brutality and civilian casualties.It does appear that her party has improved I the polls since her government started killing more Palestinians in Gaza.

The American military does not want Israel to attack Iran which is why they have refused to sell Israel refueling jets so Israelis jets cannot make a round trip to Iran. And they have also denied the Israelis bunker buster bombs capable of deep penetration of Iran's underground nuclear facilities. They did sell them bombs capable of destroying Hezbollah underground tunnels which enabled 3,400 men to stop the famed Israeli war machine in their last invasion of Lebanon in 2006.

There is a persistent rumor in intelligence circles that Iran has developed germ warfare capability which they would use only in case of a genocidal attack. Recently an English newspaper published an article on the rather suspicious Iranian acquisition of African monkeys for laboratory research.

Without sufficient air defenses Iran could only stop the Israelis but not the Americans from bombing their country. The Americans could be brought in to the conflict after an initial attack by the Israelis which they know must be but a down payment on World War III, a price they are willing to make you pay.

The crazies in Israel are willing risk your annihilation for their perceived safety. I have told many Zionist friends that if Jewish people want to be safe that they must make others feel safe. It is irrational and unrealistic to expect to be safe in a world that you are not willing to make safe for others.

Germ warfare could be the Iranian fallback position. There is reason to believe that other Muslim nations also have germ warfare capability which they intend to use only in case of genocide. Unless the Russian scientists they hired have made amazing discoveries, they will not be able to kill billions of people. However, I would not be surprised if the Zionist wing of the Bilderberg movement unleashed their more advanced bio-weapons if germ warfare does break out. The Bilderberg Society has long planned for population reduction.

The incoming President who has said nothing about the Israeli invasion of Gaza has promised to retain Gates as Defense Secretary. Obama has said he wants to reduce troop levels in Iraq and raise them in Afghanistan. This is in line with the New World Order plans to seize all natural resources for themselves, to force all sovereign nations to accept domination by international forces loyal to the Bilderbergers. Gates has even promised the creation of a domestic military force which will assume control of the National Guard of the fifty states. This force is to protect Wall Street in case food riots break out in America.

The Global Vision of Wall Street emphatically includes the end of American sovereignty by 2010. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which has strong ties to Wall Street plans to merge America into the North American Union (NAU) with Canada and Mexico. This would allow Wall Street to cancel American sovereignty, abrogate the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to end our borders, to drastically lower wages and to bring in foreign troops to occupy America.

The cancellation of the sale of the S-300 to Iran makes all of the above more likely. A war in the Mideast which is guaranteed to destroy the American Central Command and get the US Persian Gulf Fleet sunk is a very high probability. That this will make America defenseless and force it to join the NAU after the U.S. dollar and our military dies is also more likely.

As they say in the software business, “That's not a bug. It's a feature.”


To read my previous essay No Sale Or Russia Bows To Israel please go here:

To read about what that proposed S-300 sale to the Iranians could have done to make the world a more peaceful place please go here:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

China Gets California

I have been telling people for the past decade that I have talked to a dozen educated Chinese who people have told me the same thing: California belongs to them. As soon as the dollar collapses and the American Empire crumbles, they will be given California. I have also been saying since 2005 that the dollar will collapse and that after tax American wages in real dollars will be permanently cut in half before the end of 2009 so the Chinese might be given the Golden State sooner rather than later.

I believe, as does Igor Panarin, who is a Professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that the Chinese government will want Oregon and Washington as well as California. They are interested in controlling all west coast American ports as well as our industries, timber and farm land. I have been told that they have a couple million men trained to take over our companies.

They could easily find 500,000 men to volunteer as UN peace keepers. My Chinese friends tell me that the real population of China is two billion. When Harrison Salisbury, the famous New York Times reporter, went to China with Nixon in 1972 he took along a Chinese Almanac. He would ask local officials how many people were in their area. Invariably, if the local census was 125,000 the Beijing supplied figures would be 50,000. He always found local politicians would quote figures that were 2 ½ times those he found in the national government's census figures. As I said, all of my Chinese friends tell me that the real population of China is two billion.

Whenever I have seen reports in the press of Americans who have visited classrooms in either Chinese villages or in Beijing, I have never read of anyone saying that half of the children were girls. Due to China's one child policy rhe lowest male to female ratio I have ever seen was two to one and that was in Beijing. Rural areas do not have as many girls as the Chinese capitol does. We can conclude that at least 200,000,000 Chinese men will never have wives and many of those men will not even have girl friends. I talked to a Chinese executive on business in Silicon Valley. He has a good income but has never married and no prospects. As I said previously, China will have no end of volunteers to come to America either as soldiers or as administrators for our new government or as engineers and scientists for our industries. I should add that American women might not like the attentions of the conquering Chinese army.

Tens of millions of white, Hispanic, Asian and black Americans would have to relocate elsewhere. I would like to point point out that California's neighboring states do not have sufficient water even for their present population so the proposed Mexican nation carved out of the present southwest of the United States would not be economically viable but Wall Street does not care about that.

The six to eight new little regions will not be sovereign nations. They will be integrated into the North American Union which will be created from the merger of Canada, Mexico and what is left of the United States. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) have been sating this merger should take place in 2010. Both of these organizations represent Wall Street. Any merger would abrogate the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights which is the whole point. The bankers need to eliminate democracy before we can stop them from taking our savings and our pensions and destroying our jobs and small businesses.

If you have been reading the news, you might be convinced that the dollar will collapse in 2009 if not 2110. But you might want to know how that will lead to a civil war. Greece and Iceland have had insurrections. Food riots have been predicted for America. John Williams at Shadow Stats says the federal government has deliberately under reported price increases. Farmers and other small businessmen have been squeezed by the bankers who have been unwilling to loan them money. Many observers have said our food production will be cut and prices will rise.

The big banks were given Bailout cash which they have used in part to buy other banks. Bank of America bought a snare in the second largest bank in China. The remainder of the cash is being hoarded by the banks to cover expected losses in 2009.

I have said in previous essays that instead of the Bailout we should have bought the Federal Reserve Bank from the member commercial banks and issuing a non-interest bearing debt free Treasury Notes to replace our current Federal Reserve Notes. My regular readers are well aware that I believe Wall Street has been preparing a National Security State for us instead of reforming the system which they knew would generate inflations and depressions when they created it. If the Treasury had issued our currency instead of the Federal Reserve, then we would not be 11.3 trillion dollars in “debt.” That is why I have continued to call government debts fictions. We are paying an extremely high price for having given the privately owned Federal Reserve the license to print money. Please do not forget that they created this cycle of depression and inflation.

Wall Street's likely response to the hyperinflation and the rapidly increasing unemployment and foreclosures after the dollar goes into a major meltdown in 2009 is a civil war. To understand how we can stop their plans we need to go over what they did to America in 2001.

The Powers That Be wanted the United States to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan so they wired three buildings in New York with thermate, a cutting agent that melts steel girders in seconds, while the buildings were ostensibly being wired for the Internet on the weekend prior to 9-11-2001. Additional military grade explosives were placed to make the three buildings fall at near free fall speed. If you understand simple mathematics, calculate the odds of all of the girders melting at exactly the same time and then multiplying that number times itself 47 times to determine the odds of the 47 story World Trade Center Tower 7 collapsing in 6.5 seconds even though it was never hit by a plane and had fires only on a few of its floors. Look at the video of WTC 7 collapsing and try to tell yourself that buildings can spontaneously fall down.

Wall Street used 9-11 to get the United States to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. These were but preludes to World War III which will begin with an attack on Iran. As I have said many times in the past, America is supposed to lose World War III. The bankers want to end all that pesky sovereignty and democracy nonsense forever.

I believe the Powers That Be are seriously considering igniting a civil war in America by setting off car bombs in Mexican and other Hispanic neighborhoods in America so they can destroy the United States from within. The perpetrators will be either from the CIA or the Mossad. It does not matter which as they both work for Wall Street. They will blame some white men who will die soon after the attacks. At least one of the bombs will be designed to kill dozens of Mexican-American school children. This could happen in either 2009 or 2010 if we do not act now to forewarn the public.

We must tell people the truth of 9-11 so Wall Street's employees would never dare to create an atrocity designed to ignite a civil war. I have said in several of my essays that the passenger and flight crew lists for the 4 allegedly hijacked planes prove beyond any doubt that not one of the nineteen accused Arabs nor any other Arabs for that matter were on even one of the four planes. They had no tickets and no boarding passes. They did not appear on any surveillance videos. To date the mainstream media has refused to ask the FBI, the 9-11 Commission or any other responsible agency how those four planes were hijacked.

It is much more likely that were were controlled by the Command Transmitter System which can control planes, missiles and boats. It is available from SPC International. Rabbi Dov Zakheim, the CEO of SPC, was the Comptroller of the Department of Defense (DOD) on 9-11. On 9-10-2001 Donald Rumsfeld admitted that he could not trace 2.3 trillion dollars in missing Pentagon spending. Robert Andrews, the Assistant Deputy Director of the DOD in charge of Special Operations, saw and heard a bomb detonate killing the military auditors who had been looking for the missing trillions of dollars that Rumsfeld and Zakheim could not find. The bomb detonated 3 ½ minutes prior to Flight 77 was alleged to have hit the Pentagon. Robert Andrews is a former Green Beret and knows what a bomb sounds and looks like.

If a sufficient number of leaders in the Mexican-American community knew the truth about 9-11, they would never accept car bombs in their neighborhoods as any thing other than Wall Street ploys to create a civil war, split America into six to eight parts and give California, Oregon and Washington to China.

America is not dead yet. The vultures are gathering because they can read the economic tea leaves, but past performances do not indicate future results. If our past determined our future, we would still be cave men. We are free men and women and will remain so until The Powers That Be can eradicate human freedom.

Let's make 2009 the year we say “No” to Wall Street.


You can read Professor Panarin's Izvestia interview here:

To read about Dov Zakheim and the Command Transmitter System please go here:

To read about the trillions of dollars that Rumsfeld and Zakheim could not find please go here:

As an introduction to 911 I recommend this website which has videos of WTC 7 collapsing:

To look at those passenger and flight crew lists for the allegedly hijacked planes please go here:

Yes. You will have to go to the Internet's wayback machine. I guess too many people had been looking in vain for all those 19 Arabs. Curiously, other memorials at CNN for select individuals have not been scrubbed.

The above URL is for Flight 77 only. Please go here for Flight 11:

And here for Flight 93:

And here for Flight 175:

To learn more about government debt as a fiction please go here:

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Time To Revisit The No Fly List

On November 4th a majority of Americans believed they changed our government for the better so I propose we test that belief by demanding that the No Fly List be drastically reformed within the first 90 days of inauguration day if not sooner. If we cannot radically reform the No Fly and Slow Fly practices of the Bush administration, then we will have to resign ourselves to the fact that the continuing systematic slow motion repeal of the Bill of Rights of the Bush regime will be continued by the incoming President.

Think of the No Fly List as the 21st century version of a canary in the coal mine of the 1800s.

James Moore, an Emmy-winning television news correspondent, co-author of Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential, political activist, and outspoken critic of the Bush administration, was placed on the No Fly List.

Walter F Murphy, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, reported that the following exchange took place at Newark on 3-01-2007, where he was denied a boarding pass "because I [Professor Murphy] was on the Terrorist Watch list." The airline employee asked, "Have you been in any peace marches? We ban a lot of people from flying because of that." "I explained," said professor Murphy, "that I had not so marched but had, in September 2006, given a lecture at Princeton, televised and put on the web, highly critical of George Bush for his many violations of the constitution." To which the airline employee responded, "That'll do it.

It is also time to revisit the Slow Fly List. Naomi Wolf was told she was put on the Slow Fly List. People on the Slow Fly List can still fly but they just have to get to the airport a couple hours earlier than everyone else. She is most recently famous for her lecture on the Ten Steps To Fascism. Other than reading heavy books on the airplane Naomi Wolf would not seem to put her fellow passengers at risk. Please take a look at the Ten Steps To Fascism and see how many giant steps to canceling the Constitution and repealing the Bill of Rights you can find.

1)Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy.
2)Create secret prisons where torture takes place.
3)Develop a thug caste or paramilitary force not answerable to citizens.
4)Set up an internal surveillance system.
5)Harass citizens' groups.
6)Engage in arbitrary detention and release.
7)Target key individuals.
8)Control the press.
9)Treat all political dissidents as traitors.
10)Suspend the rule of law.

Can you think of any legitimate reason why Naomi Wolf should be on the Slow Fly List? Can you imagine any legitimate reason why Professor Murphy should have been put on the No Fly List for demanding that the government abide by the Constitution?

We are Americans and deserve to have a government that is guided by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We do not need overgrown fraternity pranksters picking and choosing who can get on a plane.

Before we begin a campaign to repeal the Slow Fly List and to very seriously revise the No Fly List, we will need to get a little more detail on the two programs. The No Fly List was originated by the FBI bur is now maintained by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA.) The Slow Fly List is called the Selectees by the government which thinks some of us need to be selected for closer scrutiny whenever we board an airplane. There is a dispute as to exactly how many of us are on the two lists. A lot of people have either been delayed or denied flights because they had names similar to people on the No Fly List.

A medical doctor who was campaigning for a congressional seat was denied a flight because he had the same name (Robert Johnson) as an insane felon in Toronto. When Senator Ted Kennedy became a false positive and was delayed in boarding flights, he was able to clear his name after a couple of weeks. But then he is a Senator and was able to call the Secretary of Homeland Security personally. Even federal air marshals who are supposed to protect us have been denied service. The quickest way to cut false positives is to eliminate the Slow Fly List and to drastically cut the number of people on the No Fly List. A smaller list should be more manageable no matter how we finally decide to reform the system.

As I previously said, the No Fly and Slow Fly Lists are the 21st century version of a canary in the coal mine. In the 19th century a dead or dying canary warned the miners that their lives were in peril. In 2009 if we cannot get some substantial positive reforms on these two Lists within 90 days of January 20th, then we know that neither the Congress nor the President are serious about defending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

My personal test of the success of this reform will not be if Naomi Wolf can get through airports in less than three hours. She is a well known author who campaigned for Obama. My test will be if Cat Stevens is allowed to perform in the United States again. I have seen Cat Stevens on YouTube performing Peace Train at the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize awards ceremony. I will refuse to ever understand why I cannot see him perform in America because he is a Muslim.

It is time for us to take a stand and say we will no longer accept any dilutions to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

References: You can begin by looking at the Wikipedia entry for the No Fly List here:

You can hear Cat Stevens perform Peace Train at the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize awards ceremony here:

You can listen to Naomi Wolf's lecture on the Ten Steps to Fascism here:

If you are offended by Naomi Wolf's lecture on the Ten Steps To Fascism or by Cat Stevens performing Peace Train at the 2006 Nobel awards ceremony, please move to the city formerly know as Rangoon located in the country formerly known as Burma. There are many people in the government there who would love to hear your views.